
secret admirer

i just came across a secret admirer note i receive in my locker one day during my senior year. it always meant a lot to me and i've kept it all these years. i never found out who sent it. i really wish i had. even now it's pretty awesome to think someone out there was that into me...but without being a creepy stalker.



conversation not too long ago:
nephew: [holding up a kitchen utensil] aunt sherri, can i use this to open a bottle?

me: no, but you could use it to zest the bottle.


wait, what?

hubby: (describing a couple to me) one is a strong and the other is a chubby.

me: like us.

...[reflective pause]...

hubby: you're the chubby!

me: you're the chubby!!!


time to get all dorky, proud mom on you

those that know me well, know that my son, johnathon, embarked on a career as a stunt performer a year ago this month and moved to albuquerque in feburary, which does a lot of filming. nothing sets a mom's mind at ease like know your child will be falling 30 feet or set or fire.

of course, when you're just getting started, you have to network, make connections and pay your dues. johnathon is doing this by getting as much extra work as he can, and it has been paying off in meeting people.

that said, i didn't think i really be this dorky and excited seeing him blurry, in the background of "in plain sight" (on the usa network), but alas, her i am blogging about it.

even his car got in on the action...

don't fret none, i'll let you know when he's in anything else...whether you like it or not.

and now to help his seo ... johnathonjohnson.com


she's got legs

showing my the hubby a new skirt/top/jacket i just bought, i notice him looking at my legs. i thought, "wow! is he going to say something nice about my legs? how awesome would that be?"

he then said, "your legs are very white. do you not have very good circulation?"
--insert sad trombone here--
needless to say, i only wear skirts when it's cooler ... tights weather.



there's a big display at work with icons for different categories. i thought it was funny that they had second thoughts about using an apple to represent "classroom" and replaced it with a graduation cap using a giant sticker.

good job...no one will ever notice!

i'd call this a very mild case of "the streisand effect" ... i would have never given it a second thought otherwise.


monkey + kitty = awwwwww

monkey adopts kitten in indonesian forest

"In the Ubud region of Bali, Indonesia comes a companionship straight out of children's books. Photographer Anne Young was vacationing at the Monkey Forest Park when she spotted a young male long-tailed macaque monkey that had adopted a ginger kitten, protectively caring for and grooming it while keeping other monkeys away. The kitten couldn't look happier, and neither could the monkey. " [read more...]


i guess i can't fault him for being honest

hubby: you look thinner.
me: i'm not.
hubby: i know. it's the black. it makes you look thinner.


a boy and a monkey

for no other reason than i just really like this photo...and it has a monkey in it.


growin' stuff

i've always wanted to grow things that i could eat. my parents and grandparents were always very successful at it. well, here goes nuthin'!

my challenge was finding a spot that a) is out of the dog's reach, and b) has a lot of sun. my house and yard (both front and back) are covered by trees and shade. not a bad thing in the summer, but bad when you want to grow those "full sun" plants.

i have two different tomato plants, two different bell peppers and some basil. i've had one tomato for a while now and since it's been doing so well, i decided to get it some company. now to see how well these guys do in pots.



as some of you might know, i recently started a new job, which, as the picture shows, has been like drinking from a firehose. so much to learn in a short time to get up to speed.

aside from that, i've been working on finishing school and i'm glad to say that i have. all done! finito! so hopefully i will be able to blog more.

i'm sure the 2 or 3 of you that read this blog are thrilled. :-)



via @gbayeta 86 beautiful book covers http://ow.ly/1qsYvR

i've always loved to look at book covers ... thanks gail!



there, i fixed it

the hubby bought some electric tape to fix his computer charger cable that needed to be held in place ... it worked like a charm:


game over

"after careful consideration randy decided that his master
could afford to purchase a new ball and that this particular
game of fetch was over."


ad art i happened upon

i was thumbing through my bon appetit magazine and came across this kohler ad:

it reminded me of my parents and all their doxies, so i thought i would see if i could find it online and send it to them. to my surprise, they had all of their magazine ads listed and they're really nicely done and beautiful. you can check them out here: kohler.com/smartdivide ... just click to enlarge.


caught on tape


the owner had to shoot this over his shoulder. she doesn't do this if you are looking at her. too funny.



i still love these huge slides...it feels like controlled falling

wish i had one in my backyard


i'm gonna have to pass

i had put up some photos of some furniture i was selling on webshots.com, so it pulled from there and offered me this compelling deal:

i even considered ordering it like this for it's weirdness factor... when asked, i could tell people how it was my favorite nightstand and how much it hurt me to give it up. oh the looks i would get.


walmart peeps

this is one of my favorite new websites... peopleofwalmart.com

but i'm not sure what's wrong with this picture:

i think people of walmart could take a lesson from this lady.


you damn dirty ape

i just realized that "planet of the apes" came out the year i was born (coincidentally, year of the monkey), so i'm thinking of getting a movie poster for my monkey wall.

i came across a few good ones on ebay. here are my favs:

this is considered poster "c" of the poster put out in the usa

this one is from romania. freaky and would go with the colors in my office.

and this one is czech. so much groovy goin' on!

the last two remind of this earlier post on foreign movie posters. if you haven't seen it, you should check it out. very bizarre stuff.