
go team pink!

ok, it's been a week and i'm feeling recovered enough to talk about black friday in austin. all wearing matching t-shirts, "team pink" was out the door by 4:45am. the team consisted of my 83 year old grandmother, my mom, my sister, my cousin visiting from spain, my niece and myself.

off the bat there was trauma. my sister lost the list. yes, the list she made of all the door-busters. where, when, how much...gone!

with no other alternative, listless, we hit walmart first and scattered like roaches to cover more ground, all the time keeping in touch by cellphone "did you find the suitcases?" "where are the $2 movies?". i had the honor of standing in the photo lab line to pick up the 8 GB jump drives for $17. we all got our stuff, weaved our way through the sea of carts with plasma tvs in them and made it to the checkout lines. one store down.

next we went target...they opened at 6am and we got there at like 6:15am at the latest and it was dead. i couldn't believe it. last year in waco, it was insanity. anyways, since there was a starbucks in the target, my niece and i made a coffee run. oh sweet nectar of the gods! once again we got our stuff and were on to the next store. my sister and i moved stuff out of her car to my car to make more room and, omg! the list! she found the list! (angelic music playing) ... and realized there was still stuff in target she needed to look for...d'oh! so i took the gang onto kohls and she met us there.

no drama in kohls except for i took my shoes off because my feet were killing me. there were also great tales of shopping shared amongst the worn out consumers in the check out line. oh the camaraderie.

after kohls, hungry and tired, team pink headed for ihop...hmmm pancakes! someone asked us if we were with a wedding party and the waiter was a big flirt. it's funny because my grandmother didn't want to wear the t-shirt because she's always so "glam" so she wore it under her suit jacket. but when she saw all the attention we were getting (plus the heat that day) that suit jacket was gone! she's all about attention.

bellies full, we headed for jc pennys. my family got some awesome buys there and we all got a tiny free mickey mouse snowglobe, so score!

marshalls was next. no doorbusters but i found a few things there, one of which was a pair of tennis shoes. those suckers were on my feet before we left the parking lot!

after a quick stop by halfprice books to see if they had book 2 in the twilight series for my niece, it was time to go home and have nap time. thank goodness this madness is only once a year.

i thought this would be a nice salute. here's to you, "team pink":

1 comment:

mapostrophe said...

Go team pink!!!!! (I just realized after I wrote this that that is actually the title of your blog post...)