
my cookie runneth empty

i've had some fortune cookie weirdness over the past year. on two separate occasions i have picked cookies with no fortune. what the heck?

yesterday i was having lunch with my mom and grandmother (mom was with me on the last empty cookie happening). i open my cookie, go to read the paper and this is what is says:

that's right....nothing! nada! zilch! my "lucky numbers" on the back but no fortune. so, so weird.


mapostrophe said...

Maybe it means that you are uniquely in control of your destiny!

Anonymous said...

weird. my fortune-cookie gripe is how they never have real fortunes anymore, just those "proverbs". i miss the days of being told i was going to go on a trip or get a big sum of money. that was so much more fun than being told to "trust my instincts" or "work hard".