
'tis the season...

...to be freaked out by santa!

santa has been freaking out kids for ages.

i've taken a small sampling of my favorites from the chicago tribune.
you can see more here, here and here.

amongst the photos are the kids with the outreached, "save-me-mommy" arms.
i think these are my favorites.

this one really had me laughing. you have the whole progression of the child realizing just where the heck he is. nice!

this kid is even scare of a santa statue. christmas time must be hell on this little fella.

and why shouldn't santa freak kids out? that guy's pretty scary to a little kid, with is big beard, crazy clothes and "ho! ho! ho!"s. and some santa's are extra freaky.

what's up with this guy's eyes? does santa need some benadryl or just a good nights sleep?

and this santa looks like he might be filled with the holiday spirit...or spirits rather. "hic!"

i was never scared of santa myself. from a very young age i knew who to suck up to.


i came across this little gem yesterday:

my sister was totally freaked out, even with our nona there...i, on the other hand, knew that a hair and make-up barbie head was as good as mine. (i think santa might have slipped nona his number...where is his hand?!)


Jennifer Lavoie said...

Gettin' fresh with Santa, woohoo!

Anonymous said...

heehee. those are so funny. i can't believe how much the same your grandmother still looks (more modern haircut and all, but still)!

mapostrophe said...
